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Theodore Rex: Edmund Morris (Modern Library Paperbacks)
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Theodore Rex: Edmund Morris (Modern Library Paperbacks)
Sonstige Verlage Theodore Rex: Edmund Morris (Modern Library Paperbacks)

Sonstige Verlage

Theodore Rex: Edmund Morris (Modern Library Paperbacks)

Unverbindliche Preisempfehlung des Herstellers
UVP22,00 €
13,99 €-36%
inkl. MwSt.
Lieferzeitraum:14.03.2025 - 17.03.2025
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6.2 Mio.
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Sonstige Verlage Theodore Rex: Edmund Morris (Modern Library Paperbacks)Theodore Rex: Edmund Morris (Modern Library Paperbacks)

Theodore Rex: Edmund Morris (Modern Library Paperbacks)

The most eagerly awaited presidential biography in years, Theodore Rex is a sequel to Edmund Morris’s classic bestseller The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt. It begins by following the new President (still the youngest in American history) as he comes down from Mount Marcy, New York, to take his emergency oath of office in Buffalo, one hundred years ago.A detailed prologue describes TR’s assumption of power and journey to Washington, with the assassinated President McKinley riding behind him like a ghost of the nineteenth century. (Trains rumble throughout this irresistibly moving narrative, as TR crosses and recrosses the nation.) Traveling south through a succession of haunting landscapes, TR encounters harbingers of all the major issues of the new century-Imperialism, Industrialism, Conservation, Immigration, Labor, Race-plus the overall challenge that intimidated McKinley: how to harness America’s new power as the world’s richest nation.Theodore Rex (the title is taken from a quip by Henry James) tells the story of the following seven and a half years-years in which TR entertains, infuriates, amuses, strong-arms, and seduces the body politic into a state of almost total subservience to his will. It is not always a pretty story: one of the revelations here is that TR was hated and feared by a substantial minority of his fellow citizens. Wall Street, the white South, Western lumber barons, even his own Republican leadership in Congress strive to harness his steadily increasing power.Within weeks of arrival in Washington, TR causes a nationwide sensation by becoming the first President to invite a black man to dinner in the White House. Next, he launches his famous prosecution of the Northern Securities Company, and follows up with landmark antitrust legislation. He liberates ...

Autor/in: Morris, Edmund

Verlag: k.a.

Medium: Buch

Einband: Hardcover

EAN/ISBN: 9780812966008

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